Supply Chain And Logistics Conference


Enhancing Global Competitiveness: Supporting diverse supply chains to achieve logistical prosperity in the Kingdom.
Artificial Intelligence in Supply Chains: The role of AI and data analysis in reducing reverse supply chain costs.
Digital Solutions: Discussing integrated digital solutions for local companies to achieve global competitiveness.
Sustainable Road Transport: Exploring digital innovations for more sustainable road transport.
Advanced Supply Chain Analytics: Using advanced analytics to drive innovation and supply chain development.
Localization Impact on Supply Chains: Strengthening the impact of localization on supply chain performance.
Supply Chain Digitization: Presenting the latest technologies in digitizing supply chains and improving operational efficiency.
Best Practices in Automation: Studying best practices in AI and robotic process automation in the supply chain industry.

Agenda 2024 2024

Day 01


Registration and Reception

08:30 - 09:30

Film: Supply chain Journey

09:30 - 09:35

His Excellency the Minister of Transport and Logistic Services

09:35 - 09:40
Eng. Saleh bin Nasser Al-Jasser
Minister of Transport and Logistic Services

Main Sponsor Speech

09:40 - 09:44
Eng. Sulaiman Bin Mohammed Al-Rubaian
Senior Vice President of Procurement and Supply Chain Management | Saudi Aramco

Honorary Ceremony and Thanking the Sponsors

09:48 - 10:20

Opening Panel |The Role of Logistics Prosperity in Enhancing Supply Chain Sector in the Kingdom and Achieving Global Competitiveness through Vision 2030 Pillars

10:20 - 11:10
His Excellency Eng. Khalid Bin Abdulaziz Al-Falih
Minister of Investment
His Excellency Eng. Saleh bin Nasser Al-Jasser
Minister of Transport and Logistic Services
His Excellency Mr. Bandar bin Ibrahim Al-Khorayef
Minister of Industry and Mineral Resources
Khaled Madkhali
TV presenter and news anchor Al-Arabiya news channel

Exhibition Official Opening

11:10 - 11:30

Break | Prayer Time

11:30 - 11:50

The Future of Supply Chains: A Look at Saudi Vision 2030

11:50 - 12:00
Eng. Suliman Almazroua
Chief Executive Officer | National Industrial Development and Logistics Program (NIDLP)

How can AI and Data Analytics support Urban Logistics

12:00 - 12:35
Professor Michael Bourlakis
International Vice President | The Chartered Institute of Logistics & Transport | London

Panel Discussion | Integrated digital solutions for local companies with a global competitive advantage

12:35 - 13:30
Eng. Ali Mohammed Al sayoud
Material sector ED | Saudi Electricity Company
Eng. Essam Fahad Alkhalifah
Chief Executive Officer | JAL Company
Mr. Saleh Al Farhan
Chief Executive Officer | Madar Company
Mr. Mohammad AlRazaz
Co-founder & CEO l OTO
Eng. Hani Alsaigh
Board Member | Supply Chain and Procurement Society

ASMO- The First-of-it’s-kind Procurement and Supply Chain Hub for MENA

13:30 - 14:00
Mr. Dan Wood
Chief Commercial Officer | ASMO

Panel Discussion | Shaping the Future of Supply Chain: Leveraging AI and Digital Innovation for Safer, Greener, and More Efficient Road Transport

14:00 - 14:50
Mr. Andreas Zink
President of the European Chemical Transport Association
Mr. Bassel El Dabbagh
Chief Executive Officer | CEVA Almajdouie Logistics
Mr. John Lucy
International Director | HaulageHub
Mrs. Berna Akyildiz
Vice President Transtas Global Logistics | President of CILT Turkiye
Mr. Rami Karout
Senior Adviser, Middle East & North Africa | International Road Transport Union (IRU)

Optimising the Impact of Localisation on Supply Chain Performance

14:50 - 15:20
Mr. Jaap Bijsterbosch
Partner, Supply Chain Lead | PwC Middle East

Economic Pillars to Enhance and Develop Business Sectors and Supply Chain Connectivity Locally and Globally

15:20 - 16:20
Dr. Fadi bin Saleh Al-Buhairan
Chief Executive Officer | Special Integrated Logistics Zone Company
Mr. Omar bin Abdullah Alabdualjabbar
Chief Executive Officer l Hail Region Development Authority
Eng. Majid Abdullah Matbouly
Head of Industrial Valley & KAEC Special Economic Zone | KAEC
Mr. Fahad Alshebel
Chief Executive Officer | NUPCO
Dr. Ghadeer Alsanie
PhD Manufacturing and Technology Management Assistant Professor of Management | King Saud University

End of Day 01


Day 02


Registration and Reception

08:30 - 09:00

Transformation Journey of the Ministry of Transport & Logistic Services

09:00 - 09:10
H.E.Ahmad Al Hassan
Assistant Minister of Transportation and Logistic Services

How digital data and AI is set to drive safe, efficient and sustainable people mobility and road freight transport

09:10 - 09:30
Mr. Patrick Philipp
Director Certification and Standards | IRU

Panel Discussion | Developing Transportation System Strategies to adapt innovations in logistics services

09:30 - 10:30
H.E Dr. Rumaih bin Mohammed Al-Rumaih
Deputy Minister of Transport & Logistic Services l President of Transport General Authority (TGA)
H.E. Eng. Bader bin Abdullah Aldulami
Vice Minister of Transport and Logistic Services for Road Affairs
H.E Eng. Anif bin Ahmed Abanmi
President of Saudi Post (SPL)
Moderated By: Eng. Khalid Saleh ALGhamdi
Supply chain and logistics expert

The Role of media in promoting the kingdom's logistical efforts and development

10:30 - 11:30
Dr.Khalid Alfirm
Media Consultant
Dr. Saeed Alghamdy
Media Professor, King Saud University.
Ohoud Atallah al Rasheedi
Economy presenter
Dr. Shujaa Albogmi
Associate professor of economic mass media
Moderated By: Naif Al Olayani

Driving ESG Practices in Aramco’s Supply Chain through the Launch of the Suppliers ESG Program

11:30 - 12:00
Faisal Al-Harbi
Manager of Supplier Relationship Management | Aramco

Break | Prayer Time

12:00 - 12:30

Panel Discussion | Encapsulating digitization of supply chain – latest trends and tools

12:30 - 13:30
Eng. Fahad Rashed AL-Zahrani
Inventory Planning Department Manager | Saudi Electricity Company
Mr. Essam Almarhoon
Head of Admin & Compliance | STARLINKS
Mr. Hamed Al Obaidi
General Manager KSA | Dematic
Eng. Abdulaziz Noman AlSenan
Chief Executive Officer | Petroapp
Mr. Abdelmalik Tariq AlQahtani
Chief Executive Officer | Earadat
Dr. Mutab Alenzy
Supply Chain and Logistics Consultant | Taibah University

UNIDO’s approach for promoting innovation in agri-food value chains

13:30 - 14:00
Dr. Gabor Molnar
Industrial Development Officer | UNIDO

Panel Discussion | Saudi Ports - Top 20 Ports in the World, A Roadmap for a New Business Opportunities

14:00 - 15:00
Mr. Jay New
Chief Executive Officer | King Abdullah Port
Mr. Mohammad Shihab
Managing Director of Saudi Arabia Area | Maersk Saudi Arabia
Mr. Poul Hestbaek
Chief Executive Officer | Folk Maritime
Eng. Turki Fahad Alkhorayef
General Manager of Ports and Maritime Services | ELM
Dr.Bandar Altubaishe
Vice Dean of Academic Affairs | College of Business Administration | University of Business and Technology (UBT)

Best Practices in AI and Robotic Process Automation in the Supply Chain Industry

15:00 - 15:30
Dr. Turhan Bilgili
Head of Training & Consultation | Middle East Logistics High Institute (MELI)

Executive Summary

15:30 - 15:45

End of Day 02


Supply Chain And Logistics Conference

Register now for the conference in the sixth version 2024 2024